Monday, December 2, 2013

Daisy Meeting #3

Troop #733 Notes:
First, I want to thank you ALL for being so prompt in picking up your girl. I really appreciate it :) 

Second, these girls sure are growing on me :) They are so sweet; we have tons of fun; they are learning the true foundation for Girl Scouts; and we are getting into a nice rhythm now that they have had 3 meetings under their belt and know the routine! Woot woot! 

Fall Product: 
We did GREAT with our Fall Product sales and the girls earned $223.50 for our troop! Thank you parents :) As a troop, we'd like to participate in the Animal Care program they have in February and to help others, the girls want to donate food to the food shelf, money to the poor via the Salvation Army, and buy toys for Toys for Tots. It was fun seeing them get SO excited in how they wanted to use their money for others. 

BTW, they also want to have cookie booths at the mall, bounce house, and farmer's market! Ha:) That got me smiling! 

Each girl earned a Fall Product Sale badge for participating!
 Courageous and Strong:
We earned our 5th badge, the red tulip for being courageous and strong. 

Here we were courageous as we stuck our hand in the brown bag. Ms. Javon had us pretty scared with what was in the there! 

It was a cold, wet spaghetti noodle! I love the kids faces :)
Here we painted our badges to remind us to be courageous and strong...

They are really good at being helpful while they clean up (yellow petal).

 At the end we sing our friendship song and do the Friendship Circle :) 

We even went back in this time! :)

Finally, we made Daisy Christmas ornaments!

 Merry Christmas from Troop #733!!! :)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Daisy Meeting #2

Fall Product Update:

Thank you all for collecting your goodies last night :) Whew...what a process, but hey, it was good practice before cookies! 

Have fun distributing goodies and collecting money. Checks are made out to GSCCC and then put into this envelope: 

I will collect all money in the envelope on 12/2, our next meeting. I will also need you to print out your magazine sale sheet and bring that to the meeting on 12/2. Let me know if you need help with this!

Considerate and Caring:
This was our next badge that we earned last night! We talked about what it means to be considerate and then we created a lollipop gift that we have to give to someone in our class who is not our friend, but to show them that we care and are thoughtful of them. 

So now we know 3 parts of the law:

and earned our light green badge:

We also finished our troop banner! It turned out so cute :)

This is my lovely troop helper Mrs. Javon! She is wonderful:)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Daisy Meeting #1

Hi ladies! In the yellow booklet on the inside page, there is a 2013-2014 Girl's Fall Product Initial Order form. I need you to complete this and return it to me (via your girl at school) by this Friday, October 11th!!!! I have to turn in all forms Monday, the 4th. 

Thanks in advance!!! 

What fun! :) Here is our troop after we earned THREE badges tonight! 

Aren't they a GREAT looking bunch!?
Here is a rundown of all that we learned:

1) We learned about Juliette Gordon Low who was the founder of Girl Scouts. Who knew that even her family called her Daisy, just like us!? 

2) We learned the Girl Scout Promise and earned our blue Daisy middle badge. 

3) We practiced the Girl Scout Handshake, the Girl Scout Quiet Sign, and the Friendship Circle. (All of this is found under the Girl Scout Fundamentals tab at the top of the blog page.) 

4) We earned the light blue "Lupe" petal, which stands for being honest and fair and is part of the Girl Scout Law. We played games, shared treats, found treats, and listened to/discussed a story. 

5) We also earned the yellow "Sunny" petal, which stands for being friendly and helpful and is part of the Girl Scout Law. We talked about our troop duties and made coupon booklets to be extra helpful at home! :) 

Yay!!! So now you can add these badges to your daughters uniform: 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

P.S. Don't forget...

to register your girl with Girl Scouts :) And you too!!!

Fall Fundraiser 2013

The theme this year is "Be Your Best You!" 

I just had training on Thursday after we met on Monday, otherwise I would have loved to have met with you. Sorry about that! So...if you have ANY questions, email me :) 

Here is what will be in your girl's packet coming home Monday after school:

This the parent permission form and is VERY important that you complete and return to me ASAP. I will come by your child's teacher at the end of the day on Tuesday 9/24 to collect.

We will collect money on delivery of items, which will be after November 1st.

This is the order form for the nut, chocolate, etc. products. Inside it looks very similar to the cookie order form. On the back it shoes incentives the girls will receive if they sell so many items and they are cumulative. I think the best reward is the patches :) Sell 30 nut items and 2 magazines and you will get the neat set.

This is the sheet that will teach you on how register to sell magazines via emails. Send out 12 emails! It's that easy :)

These are business cards that you can hand out to people at church, work, etc. that guides them to your site to order magazines. Write your name, our troop #, and your online ID# on the back after you register (see above sheet).
These are guidelines for parents with important information and dates.

Some other tidbits of information:
1) Set a goal for your girl :) For example, I know I would like Aubrey to have the patches, but I also want her to set her OWN goal. So I will have to check with her in the morning! Looking at the rewards on the back of the order form may help with this. 

2) Girl Scouts is BIG on being safe, so please be safe :) It's their main focus and priority!!! I have some safety tips from Girl Scouts if you are interested.

3) I also have some selling tips like be prepared (know what you are selling); communicate well (dates of delivery, money exchanges); wear your uniform and state your goal for the sale (our goal to raise money as we are just starting our troop); always be polite; have fun and smile!