Monday, October 7, 2013

Daisy Meeting #1

Hi ladies! In the yellow booklet on the inside page, there is a 2013-2014 Girl's Fall Product Initial Order form. I need you to complete this and return it to me (via your girl at school) by this Friday, October 11th!!!! I have to turn in all forms Monday, the 4th. 

Thanks in advance!!! 

What fun! :) Here is our troop after we earned THREE badges tonight! 

Aren't they a GREAT looking bunch!?
Here is a rundown of all that we learned:

1) We learned about Juliette Gordon Low who was the founder of Girl Scouts. Who knew that even her family called her Daisy, just like us!? 

2) We learned the Girl Scout Promise and earned our blue Daisy middle badge. 

3) We practiced the Girl Scout Handshake, the Girl Scout Quiet Sign, and the Friendship Circle. (All of this is found under the Girl Scout Fundamentals tab at the top of the blog page.) 

4) We earned the light blue "Lupe" petal, which stands for being honest and fair and is part of the Girl Scout Law. We played games, shared treats, found treats, and listened to/discussed a story. 

5) We also earned the yellow "Sunny" petal, which stands for being friendly and helpful and is part of the Girl Scout Law. We talked about our troop duties and made coupon booklets to be extra helpful at home! :) 

Yay!!! So now you can add these badges to your daughters uniform: