Monday, December 2, 2013

Daisy Meeting #3

Troop #733 Notes:
First, I want to thank you ALL for being so prompt in picking up your girl. I really appreciate it :) 

Second, these girls sure are growing on me :) They are so sweet; we have tons of fun; they are learning the true foundation for Girl Scouts; and we are getting into a nice rhythm now that they have had 3 meetings under their belt and know the routine! Woot woot! 

Fall Product: 
We did GREAT with our Fall Product sales and the girls earned $223.50 for our troop! Thank you parents :) As a troop, we'd like to participate in the Animal Care program they have in February and to help others, the girls want to donate food to the food shelf, money to the poor via the Salvation Army, and buy toys for Toys for Tots. It was fun seeing them get SO excited in how they wanted to use their money for others. 

BTW, they also want to have cookie booths at the mall, bounce house, and farmer's market! Ha:) That got me smiling! 

Each girl earned a Fall Product Sale badge for participating!
 Courageous and Strong:
We earned our 5th badge, the red tulip for being courageous and strong. 

Here we were courageous as we stuck our hand in the brown bag. Ms. Javon had us pretty scared with what was in the there! 

It was a cold, wet spaghetti noodle! I love the kids faces :)
Here we painted our badges to remind us to be courageous and strong...

They are really good at being helpful while they clean up (yellow petal).

 At the end we sing our friendship song and do the Friendship Circle :) 

We even went back in this time! :)

Finally, we made Daisy Christmas ornaments!

 Merry Christmas from Troop #733!!! :)