Sunday, October 18, 2015

Hiking Badge!

What a gorgeous Fall day for our hike! 
We had such a great day finishing up our Hiker and Bug badges. :) 

Check out the photos by Ms. Haley here:

All ready to go!

Finishing strong!
All done!

And here are the photos taken by our troop photographer (LOL!)

Monday, October 5, 2015

My Great Day (and lots of other stuff!)

1) Fall Product:
We talked about sending the emails and how we want to use our money. 

For our troop: the girls are interested in going to Color Me Mine for our potters badge; horseback riding; and seeing a play. I will work on those over the next month to see how much and what I can get scheduled.

For others: the girls want to create homeless shelter bags again and find out what other needs the Isle of Wight Shelter needs, especially with the storm/water damage we just recently had. This will fulfill our Philanthropist badge, which is a person meeting the needs of others.

2) Pet Badge:
With Ms. Chappell not being next door, we took over her bulletin board and added these! :) We are just waiting for the shelter to send us pictures to add. The girls REALLY want to volunteer again at the animal shelter so look for another date over the next year.:)

3) Hiking Badge:
We planned our hike; planned our gear; and picked out snack! We are excited! See you all Saturday, October 17th @ 10 a.m. at the trail start across from Smithfield Station.


4) My Great Day Badge:
We talked about 5 things we can do to have a great day! Ms. Haley will laminate these for us so we can use them as a checklist each day!

Ha! Not sure why this is upside down. ;)

5) Me Posters! 
We worked some more on our ME posters in the art medium of collage. We added shirts today with paper-construction, scrapbook, and tissue.