Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Home Scientist Badge and End of Brownie Party

Thank you all for TWO great Brownie years! I am so proud of these girls and all the wonderful things they accomplished. I wish them the best of luck if they continue as Juniors, or move onto other adventures! :) 

We learned about the Home Scientist badge, which will be fun to do over the summer at home! We earned almost all of the badges for Brownies! 

We ate some YUMMY snacks-they loved it! :) 

And we finished our life size creations of ourselves. They could use any of the craft supplies-they were so excited! They also worked so hard! :)

 I think they turned out great! 

Laura! You are my fun-loving, spunky girl as this AMAZING picture shows! Never change being who you are, except to give me a hug here and there. :)
Aubrey! It has been an honor to be your mother and troop leader. I appreciate all the help you have given over the years. :)

Lauren! It has been a joy getting to know you these past few years. You are sweet and so considerate of others. It is also fun to see your quiet, reserved side as well as your fun, wild side!  :)

Allison! I love that you are laying down because yours was too wet with the glitter. You are such a sweet, mature, go-with-the-flow girl and such a pleasure to have gotten to know. :)

Kathleen! I have loved watching you grow into a young lady! You are full of life and enjoy every minute of it. It is so refreshing to spend time with you. :) 

Abigail! I have loved having you in our troop! You ask such great questions and always have some great, different thinking on the task at hand! :)

Joeli! You are such a happy young lady! You always make others smile around you with your sweet spirit. :)

Caitlyn! You were the perfect addition to our troop! You have great ideas about how to serve your community and are so thoughtful. You are also so welcoming and friendly. :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Completing our Philanthropist and Give Back Badges!

We worked on 3 projects today!

1) Giving a check to the Mission of Hope for their homeless shelters during the winter.

2) Donating supplies to the Isle of Wight Animal Shelter.

Here is our list team. They were telling us what to get and crossing things off.

Here was the budget team making sure we stayed within our $134 allotment. 

Here is our getter team! They were the ones to grab all the items.

They were so fun to watch lead this project themselves. They did great! :)

3) Putting together Comfort Kits for the homeless.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Dancer Badge

We started by warming up our bodies with some stretches. 

We watched several new dances and even tried a few! 

We learned about a dancer's posture and curtsy. 

We made up our own dance to the Girl Scout Law song.  We all took turns.  I took a video but it is too big to share. :( They were cute!!!

We showed our moves as we were being picked up. 

Monday, March 7, 2016

GS Traditions and Booth Sale!

Here are the girls with our traditions after we eat snack. 

The Pledge of Allegiance

The Girl Scout Pledge and then we sang the Girl Scout Law song: http://quietube7.com/v.php/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dF8dUi37x8

Friendship Song...

With the friendship circle

Here are some pictures of our booth sale: