Sunday, January 12, 2014

Smithfield Christmas Parade

In the busyness of the season, I forgot to post these! But as my mom always said, better late than never! :)

Where do I put the badges on the vest?!

This is the front:

And this is the back, where all extra badges will go:

Hope this helps!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cookie Sale

Thank you for coming to the brief meeting last night! I hope it was helpful as you venture out! :)
Cookie Club: This is completely optional. It is an online tool to help girls send online orders to friends and family, as well as track orders and goals online. Be mindful that if you send to "out-of-towners", you will be responsible for shipping costs to ship the cookies to them. Here is the web address:  Please let me know if you are interested in using it and I can help set you up with an account. 

Important Dates (but we will send out reminders too!):
* Cookie Rally is Friday, January 10th from 6-8 p.m. @ CAES 
                     (cost is $.50 and 1 canned good item)
* Cookie order taking BEGINS on Saturday, January 11th 
* Initial Orders will be due to Haley on Monday, January 27th 
* Cookie pickup will be between February 20-22.
* Booth Sale: TBD on a weekend, but after February 23rd
* Cookie program ends on Sunday, March 23rd 
* Money will be due to Haley on Wednesday, March 26th 

Other Resources:
1) Little Brownies is an online resource for girls:

As always, if you need anything, please email Javon or myself. We love to help!

Girl Post: Talk It Up and Count It Up

Please share this information and do these activities with your girl. If I was a bit more (prepared, organized, together, experienced, etc.), I would have done this with the girls last night. Part of it we did do together...My apologies! :) 

In the Count It Up Lesson to earn that leaf badge, it talks all about the selling of cookies. 1) Talk to your girl about how much each box of cookies cost ($3.50). Practice putting that much money together with different coins and bills. Try putting money together for 2 boxes.
2) To sell cookies, the girls need to know what kinds they have to sell. Go over the order form with your girl and talk about each kind of cookie. 
3) And we already set sales goals with your girls! Maybe create a poster with the number of boxes your girl wants to sell and cross out for each one she does. Even Aubrey was low when I asked her: 10. And then she changed it to 15 boxes. Ha! Have fun selling :) 

In the Talk It Up Lesson to earn that leaf badge, it talks about the girls taking part of the largest business run by GIRLS in the whole world! That's pretty cool :) It also talks about how to use our cookie money in our community and I emailed a local representative in Isle of Wight to get that ball rolling. 
A step that you can have your girls take is to inspire customers! Customers want to feel that they are helping girls do something important when they buy cookies. If they like the way the girls will spend the money, they might buy even more cookies! 

Practice saying these things:
"Every cookie helps girls do great things! The money we earn will help us help the poor."

"We are Girl Scout Daisies and we help lead the largest girl-run business in the world!"

Daisy Meeting #4

This week we earned our 6th badge and 5th petal this week for being responsible for what we say and do (It's the orange colored one). We talked about how our words can hurt people so we need to be responsible and say kind things. We also talked about our Squinkies. :) By all means, please encourage them to be responsible and guide them in this adventure as they are learning! I was telling Aubrey about the activity and she said, "Can you please help me be responsible?!"

Cookie Sales
Yep! It's that exciting time of year, and now we can experience it's excitement on a whole new level-with selling them rather than just buying them!!! :) Please look for another post with more information about cookie sales.