Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cookie Sale

Thank you for coming to the brief meeting last night! I hope it was helpful as you venture out! :)
Cookie Club: This is completely optional. It is an online tool to help girls send online orders to friends and family, as well as track orders and goals online. Be mindful that if you send to "out-of-towners", you will be responsible for shipping costs to ship the cookies to them. Here is the web address: https://cookieclub.littlebrownie.com/  Please let me know if you are interested in using it and I can help set you up with an account. 

Important Dates (but we will send out reminders too!):
* Cookie Rally is Friday, January 10th from 6-8 p.m. @ CAES 
                     (cost is $.50 and 1 canned good item)
* Cookie order taking BEGINS on Saturday, January 11th 
* Initial Orders will be due to Haley on Monday, January 27th 
* Cookie pickup will be between February 20-22.
* Booth Sale: TBD on a weekend, but after February 23rd
* Cookie program ends on Sunday, March 23rd 
* Money will be due to Haley on Wednesday, March 26th 

Other Resources:
1) Little Brownies is an online resource for girls: http://www.littlebrowniebakers.com/girls/

As always, if you need anything, please email Javon or myself. We love to help!


  1. Remember to BE SAFE! Follow the safety guidelines on the order form :)

  2. Ms. Haley you are so organized on top of things. Love it!
