Saturday, February 8, 2014

Daisy Meeting #5

I am impressed! All of the girls brought their Squinkie back! What a responsible group:) 

Here is a rundown of our meeting-

First, we have snack. And play with the housekeeping things :) 

Then we say the pledge of allegiance, the Girl Scout Pledge, and greet each other with the Girl Scout Handshake. 

After that, we have our story. This week we learned about respecting ourselves and others. We read about Gloria and earned the purple petal. 

Next, we practiced respecting others. The girls role played ways to NOT be respectful. My favorite was this group. One girl was on the phone as the mom and the other girls were interrupting her. I laughed so hard!

Then we talked about respecting ourselves and what we can do. We listened to Jamie Lee Curtis' book 

 After that, we made our heart handwashing crafts:) 
Next, we talked about cookie sales and our Food Drive. We had fun making posters for these and put them around the school. Don't forget to bring canned goods to the Reading Fest, Decades Dance, and Jump Rope for Heart.

Finally, we sing our Frienship Song and do the Friendship Circle.

Look at these GREAT girls!!!! With the Girl Scout sign too boot! :) love them...

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