Tuesday, October 7, 2014

GS Way-Meeting #1

Loving having these girls again! :) 
In order to review the Girl Scout Law that we learned as Daisies, we practice this song: 

I tried to add a video of us doing it but couldn't. Did get this shot of them at the end. :) 

We started our Brownie year with the Girl Scout Way Badge. 

For placement of this badge...please click on the following link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxQ59qABghaBSEtfTzNuem1xT0k/edit

In order to earn this badge, we did 5 things.

1) Sing everywhere. 
We sang several new songs as Brownies. Hopefully you will hear them singing at home! :)

2) Celebrate Juliette Gordon Low's Birthday.
We are going to do this on Thursday, October 30th! 

3) Share Sisterhood.
We created out Brownie Banner! 

We marched around the school with our paper! They were so cute!

4) Leave a Place Better Than You Found It.
We cleaned up the classroom, even if some of the mess wasn't ours. Hopefully you will see them cleaning up your house better too! ;0

5) Enjoy Girl Scout Traditions. 
Some of the traditions we follow are the quiet sign (how we quiet down), Girl Scout handshake, Friendship Circle, and the Kaper Can. The Kaper Can lists our jobs each meeting. 

Don't forget to bring change for our Family Partnership! :) Thanks Caitlyn for being the first one!

We also discussed Fall Product Sales and made a goal of raising $240.
The girls want to raise money for their badges. We discussed how each badge is $1.50 and to buy 8, we will need $12.00/badge. 

We also talked about going to the Sweet Art Family Night on February 7th, which would cost us $10.00 per girl for a total of $80.00.

They are interested in going to a Cards, Cards, Cards event on November 15th, which will cost us $40.00 for 8 girls. 

And they want to lay wreaths for our veterans on December 13th. This event was free! 

It was interesting to hear them discuss how to set goals with their money and decide how they want to spend it! :) Good life lesson here!!!

(All of these events were in the GO booklet you received. I will be sending RSVPs soon!)

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