Thursday, August 20, 2015

Last Meeting #14: Games!

1st Brownie Year Recap

Funnest things we did:
1) selling cookies
2) visiting the animal shelter x3
3) spending time with the Girl Scouts x2
4) the food!

Greatest things we learned:
1) how to take care of the Earth
2) cleaning up our community
3) the Girl Scout Law
4) making new friends
5) learning how to save water x2
6) how to administer first aid

What we're looking to do next year:
1) earning more badges
2) making new friends
3) help more people

Other things we'd like to say:
1) I had a really good time with all my friends-Lauren
2) Have a great summer-Kathleen
3) Looking forward to it next year-Aubrey
4) I can't wait to make new friends-Abigail
5) I am looking forward to serving our community more-Ms. Haley
6) I look forward to seeing my friends when we go camping-Laura
Relay for Life Event:
We had a great time filling luminaria bags for the lighting ceremony. It was hot, but well worth it! :) We look forward to doing it next year too!

Party Snacks! 
Whoa! We had a feast :). 

Games Badge:
We earned our last badge for this year and had fun of course doing it! 

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